What Is Truth? What Is Awareness? How Do I Get There?
Thursday Jun, 28th 2012
What is Truth? Please understand that each and every one of us contains our own individual truth in
each of our own personal manifestations as part of this illusory duality we chose to play “In Separation
From God" while we are here doing the research to become ever greater masters in our own right. The
only one real truth is that which exists within unity consciousness and within the unconditional love of
creator as found within each of our hearts. In other words, truth is that which is unbound by time or space.
Each one of us here has their own real truth that manifests before them through their choices of
deliberate intent based on what they choose to believe, but the process of manifestation is much slower
than in the higher dimensions and while we are here on this world in the physical plane, still playing that
game “In Separation From God” we become so disconnected from “truth” that the manifestation begins to
distort our very perception of even Source/Prime Creator/God(dess) itself.
Consider the astral plane as your light body explores through one dream scenario to the next at the speed of thought. How often have you
had a situation similar to watching someone eating a popsicle and thought, “Oh, that looks good! I want one!” and suddenly there one is,
manifested in your hand? The physical plane is really no different. It just takes much longer for things to manifest, especially when those
incarnate on the physical plane choose to disconnect from source with either or both, an inactive crown and/or an inactive heart. Sure we
all think, but what we believe only comes from was we choose to accept from other people’s research and articles. Sure we all feel
emotions, but these are based on the very manifestation of that which we choose to accept as truth for each and every one of our own
personal self expressions.
There is also a collective consciousness in that our entire truth is agreed upon as we choose to accept our shared surroundings, but this
is not individual to each of our own illusions as perceived through each of our own intellectual thinking minds. The collective
consciousness creates its own truth as to what manifests within and around our shared planet. The same corruptions within the collective
consciousness occurs in that separation from source as well, in that while those are stuck in this “unknowing of real truth” there manifests
chaos, either through clashing illusions or through the manipulation of others taking advantage of the very separation from source itself.
While the clashing of illusions sparks judgmental thoughts and hateful emotions, this creates a perfect scenario for those few in the
“knowing of real truth” to then manipulate those in the unknowing to manifest wars and just about any other terrifying scenario for the
means of some kind of advantage over the masses ultimately for profit, in this case of money and power. Notice how many different
cultures there are on this world, each with their own truths which is all ultimately based on the exact same thing. Then ask yourself what is
the origin of those differences?
What is Awareness? So many levels, but allow me to describe awareness as the state of knowing the
real truth. However, just because one may be completely activated through the Crown Gateway to the
higher dimensions, within what they may claim as Unity Consciousness, this does not mean they are
connected to Source/Prime Creator/God/Love. This world is still full and surrounded by a fading duality in
that even those who may seem to be incredible spiritual beings, it does not mean they are accepting of or
sharing the unconditional love of creator.
True awareness, my lovely and beautiful friends, is more than the awareness of truth, but the awareness
of love. Please be mindful of both on your way through these accelerating times of evolution. One can
choose to accept this awareness of truth into their lives and be surrounded by the entirety of all that is
and all other beings, but it is when you allow the unconditional love of creator into your Sacred Heart
Center that you truly become aware of both the light AND the love, when you truly become sensitive to
the feelings of all others and when you truly understand the value of interacting with unconditional love
and absolute acceptance of all that you are and all that is.
It is at this state that all those fears, doubts and discomforts fall away once and for all, and not only do you begin manifesting pure love
into your own body, but in doing so, you also help manifest this new cycle of creation all the faster. The purest frequencies of love can can
cancel out any pain, any sorrow, any grief, any discomfort. All you must do is go to the Sacred Heart Center and face all that you are and
all that is with unconditional loving acceptance and all will transmute back to its natural divine perfection.
It is important to give unconditional love for all that is, including those within the cabal. You see, there have already been many deserters
that have blown the whistle on so many things, as these people within the cabal are so completely disconnected from source love of
Prime Creator/God that they are completely oblivious as to the feelings of others. I feel the emotions of all those thinking of me, whether
they are pleasant thoughts and feelings or disturbing thoughts and feelings. I feel their experiences as if it were my own. So you see as
you begin connecting to both through the Crown AND through to love of source within the Heart Center, it becomes inconceivable to harm
another and even to think an unpleasant thought about them, because even the potential of such a thing is painful to your own being as
you feel their pain and discomfort as if it were your own. With this information, you must admire those whistle blowers for their bravery in
stepping back into the love and out of those heartless ways, because as these deserters begin to open up to the light and love of creator,
they begin feeling the anger and discontent of those they are blowing the whistle on. I can only imagine the pain each of those brave souls
endure. Each and every one of these souls, up to the highest level will be offered and shown the love of creator through their retraining
process, so they all need our love now more than ever.
How DO I get there? The path to Truth and Awareness is found through the Heart by discerning with the
entirety of your whole self as a multidimensional being. Use ALL THAT YOU ARE to discern through new
information and always weigh everything ultimately within the heart. With the ever expanding and infinite
awareness as I suggestively described here, I am hoping to share my message yet again that all the
answers you seek are found within the Heart. I speak about such things through personal experience,
through my own proven results and lessons I have learned; either very quickly or through painful
stagnant periods of my life. It is only my goal to help others learn throught love and laughter rather than
getting caught in the illusions, accepting whatever truths were set before them.
We are on our way folks. With the ever expanding and infinite awareness as I suggestively described
here, I am hoping to share my message yet again that all the answers you seek are found within the
Heart. I speak about such things through personal experience, through my own proven results and
lessons I have learned; either very quickly or through painful stagnant periods of my life. It is only my
goal to help others learn the easy way rather than getting caught in their own illusions, accepting
whatever truths were set before them.
Please consider my information by discerning just as I suggested. Take what resonates with you and anchor these returning ways of
BEing aware into your every cell of your being, let it expand infinitely into your energy body, return it to the rest of the world through the
magnetic resonance of your aura, and let all those bits that may not resonate with you fall away without judgment. It is MY illusion after all!
We create our own truths here, my lovely and beautiful friends. BE the loving change, shine YOU(r light) and leave it to faith that all you
do not yet understand will be provided for you as it is only those very concerns, doubts and fears that will slow your own ever greaterness
down and only your own love and excitement of source within you that will manifest absolute truth, unbound by time and space onto this
New Earth Sun. And please understand just how significant YOU(r love) can be through this process.
For more specific information on “How DO I get there?” please read my previous article:
Owning The Playing Field Of Kindness - Manifesting The New Earth Frequencies
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